Staying Safe During COVID Time

    Bulletins will be available in church once again. However, they will be available AFTER each Mass and you are kindly requested to take the bulletin home with you. Do not leave bulletins or anything else in the church. During this time of COVID, we are concerned about the sharing of materials in church. Please note that we are continuing to take steps to keep everyone safe. The church is being disinfected regularly. We have purchased a disinfecting system and this cleaning will happen each day. 

When you come for Communion, please observe the following… 

  • You must wear your mask or face covering as you approach the minister of Holy Communion. 
  • After receiving the Eucharist in your hand, step to the side, lower the mask, consume the Host and replace the mask before returning to your seat. 
  • As it is HIGHLY recommended that we receive in the hand, please extend your hand with your palm open. Do not close your hand until after the Communion Minister has placed the Host there. The idea is to avoid inadvertent contact. 
  • Please know that these directives are meant to keep everyone safe and healthy.